Chris Doten

Democracy and Technology

Chris serves as an independent consultant to build more just, connected, and secure digital societies.

Here's a selected portfolio of projects of which I'm particularly proud

The USAID Digital Policy

USAID is adapting to and embracing the digital era across all its programs, as embodied in the first-ever Digital Policy, coauthored by Chris.

The USAID Digital Democracy Principles

As recent years have shown, technology can create grave threats to democracy and human rights – sometimes entirely unwittingly. Chris wrote the Digital Democracy Principles, embedded in the 2024 DRG Policy, to help people think through these risks.

The Business Case for Digital Rights

The private sector is dramatically - and negatively - impacted by the abuse of digital rights. Unfortunately, too often businesses don't know why the online rules of the road matter to their bottom line, or what they can do about it. This guide, written by Chris for the Center for International Private Enterprise, provides practical information about why businesses should care, and the high-impact ways they can support digital rights.

Cybersecurity for Parliaments, Parties, and Civil Society

Keeping at-risk but often poorly resourced civic, political, and governmental groups safe online is an increasing challenge – but critical for the foundation of democracy and society. These practical guides, coauthored by Chris, can help.

Democratic Municipal Digital Transformation

A practical guide for subnational governments attempting to design and implement successful digital modernization projects that support democracy and human rights activists connected and safe online.